Feedback/bugs on meld-0.9.5

Hello to all melders,

I've been using meld for some time now and I must say I'm impressed by how powerful and easy to use/friendly the software is. It does all I want : syntax highlighting (killer feature), character diffing on each line, line numbers, besides a good diffing algo. So thank you for this good package!
I have meld 0.9.5 using gnome-python-2.10.0, pygtk-2.6.0, pyorbit-2.0.1 
and python-2.4.1.
Here is the list of problems I encounter :
+ deprecation warnings message when launched from command-line :
/folk/vrubiolo/InstalledProgs/GARNOME-2.10.1/lib/meld/ GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.idle_add is deprecated, use gobject.idle_add instead
  gtk.idle_add( self.on_idle )
/folk/vrubiolo/InstalledProgs/GARNOME-2.10.1/lib/meld/ DeprecationWarning: use gtk.gdk.Drawable.draw_pixbuf
  pix1.render_to_drawable( window, gctext, 0,0, x, points0[-1][1], -1,-1, 0,0,0)
/folk/vrubiolo/InstalledProgs/GARNOME-2.10.1/lib/meld/ DeprecationWarning: use gtk.gdk.Drawable.draw_pixbuf
  pix0.render_to_drawable( window, gctext, 0,0, 0, points0[ 0][1], -1,-1, 0,0,0)
/folk/vrubiolo/InstalledProgs/GARNOME-2.10.1/lib/meld/ DeprecationWarning: use gtk.gdk.Drawable.draw_pixbuf
  pix1.render_to_drawable( window, gctext, 0,0, x, points0[-1][1], -1,-1, 0,0,0)
/folk/vrubiolo/InstalledProgs/GARNOME-2.10.1/lib/meld/ DeprecationWarning: use gtk.gdk.Drawable.draw_pixbuf
  pix0.render_to_drawable( window, gctext, 0,0, 0, points0[ 0][1], -1,-1, 0,0,0)
+ "Down" and "Up" buttons not working at all (I suppose these are to 
jump from diff to diff inside the file).
+ changing the font (preferences) when a diff is active make the 
scrollbars go up and down automatically in the background (as the diff 
is recomputed with the new font) but this doesn't stop, even after the 
diff is recomputed/dialog is closed. I have to manually hold the 
scrollbar and move it at top/bottom for this to stop.
+ the Col/Line Number text does not work : it does appears only when I 
click on a line (should say Line 1, Col 1 at startup instead) and is not 
refreshed anymore after that.
That's it for the bugs. Thanks again for that good piece of software.


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