Re: File-diff broken

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 10:10:39 -0500, Daniel Macks <dmacks netspace org> wrote:
Using meld-1.7.1 on OS X 10.6 and python27, comparing two files fails
to find differences. The two files are displayed side-by-side, but
with nothing highlighted (but also no "files are the same" banner),
and my terminal reports:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/sw/lib/meld/meld/", line 134, in iteration
    ret = next(task)
  File "/sw/lib/meld/meld/", line 1111, in _set_files_internal
    for i in self._load_files(files, self.textbuffer):
  File "/sw/lib/meld/meld/", line 1064, in _load_files
    self.set_buffer_writable(t.buf, writable)
  File "/sw/lib/meld/meld/", line 1455, in set_buffer_writable
    self.readonlytoggle[index].set_visible(not writable)
AttributeError: 'gtk.ToggleButton' object has no attribute 'set_visible'

It worked fine in 1.6.1. I get the same results using a newly-created
user account (no leftover preferences from an older version). Is this
attribute recently added to gtk? I'm running a fairly old gnome stack
but I don't see any NEWS or other notes about migrating to gtk3 or
other minimum-version requirements.
Seems to be cured by upgrading pygtk (broken with 2.16.0, fixed with
2.17.0). Is it possible for the build-system to test for it?
Regardless, would be good to note this new requirement in NEWS


Daniel Macks
dmacks netspace org

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