Re: Hi

On 11 May 2013 22:43, Andre Wyrwa <a wyrwa gmx de> wrote:

thanks for making the effort to write an email to this list just to
express your gratitude. I just want to chip in. I'm working in a small
business as a lead developer an am using meld in combination with git
for code reviews and merging topic branches and it's just ... sooo

Yes, i'd like to have this or that ridiculously out of scope feature
added to it, but the truth is....meld is one of these things that does
'one thing and does it right'.

(To get my full meaning...this is...we are all working with eclipse and
we all have egit setup, but it's still giving me more to write a few
bash scripts that integrate meld into my git workflow than trying to do
the same with egit.)

So from my side, as well, just a big thank you to the meld devs and
And thanks to both of you. It's always really nice to get these kinds
of emails. It's also nice to know how people are using Meld; it would
never have occurred to me that someone would integrate Meld with egit!

(And ridiculously out-of-scope feature requests are accepted... it's
just that they may well be closed. You can always hope though!)


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