Re: How to tell meld 1.8.0 to use SVN?

On 18 September 2013 04:57, Grant Edwards <grant b edwards gmail com> wrote:
I've got a source tree that's under control by both CVS and SVN.  Meld
recently started to refuse to use SVN.
I'm guessing from the subject that you upgraded Meld to 1.8.0? If you
know what version you were using before, that may help figure out
what's going on.

Also, did you perchance upgrade SVN recently?

I would have sworn that meld
used to use SVN by default in that source tree, but now it only wants
to use CVS. There's what appears to be a drop-down box showing "CVS"
on the right hand end of the location bar (just to the right of the
"Browse" button), but it seems to be disabled.
The box is disabled if Meld only finds one VC in that directory. If it
finds more than one - even if it thinks they're invalid - then you
should be able to click on the drop-down to see what state the others
are in.

From your description, Meld doesn't think that there is an SVN
repository there. The code for that did change relatively recently to
try to support SVN 1.8, but it's difficult to see what the problem
might be. Maybe file a bug and we'll take it from there? If the repo
is accessible (or if you can just provide a stripped-down version with
the problem) that would be awesome.

Is there any way to tell meld to use SVN rather than CVS?
Meld will always show everything it finds in the combo box, and picks
the first one it finds in its hard-coded order of VC preference. SVN
is definitely before CVS on that list, so the problem is something


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