Re: Replacement for "merge non-conflicting"?

On 3 October 2014 18:16, Bálint Réczey <balint balintreczey hu> wrote:
Hi Kai,

2014-10-03 8:25 GMT+02:00 Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>:
On Oct 3, 2014 4:22 PM, "Bálint Réczey" <balint balintreczey hu> wrote:
2014-09-30 21:40 GMT+02:00 Mitchel Humpherys <mitch special gmail com>:
On Thu, Sep 18 2014 at 01:32:25 PM, Kai Willadsen
<kai willadsen gmail com> wrote:
On 16 September 2014 07:26, Mitchel Humpherys <mitch special gmail com>
Looks like a recent update removed the "Merge non-conflicting" item
meld's "Changed" menu.  I thought "Merge All" would be the equivalent
option but it always seems to result in not doing "the right thing"
"merge non-conflicting" did.  Is there a replacement workflow for
non-conflicting" followed by manually resolving the remaining
"Merge All" is just a rename of the menu item. It does exactly the
same action that "Merge non-conflicting" used to do, so if anything
has broken then either it was already like that, or the merging code
has changed. I don't *think* the merging code has changed much
recently, but I'd have to double check.
Hmm, all I know is that I get a bunch of stuff merged to the "middle"
buffer from what I would deem the "wrong side"...  In prior versions of
meld it always seemed to do exactly what I expected and wanted it to do.
I'm not sure when this changed but this is what I'm seeing with meld
I noticed the change in 3.12.0, too, but unfortunately I have already
3.12.0 to Debian unstable and it has migrated to testing.
I use meld very often for back-porting changes from active Wireshark
to old ones and meld 1.8.x did what I considered a minimal
back-porting preferring
changes from the left as I remember. Meld 3.12.0's Merge All started
changes from the right which may make sense in some scenarios but breaks
use case, too.

I can provide real-life test cases if needed, but they are far from
minimal ones. :-)
No, that's actually useful, thanks! One thing that did change was that we
have a new preference for pane order that affects three pane mode. I can see
that this may have had unintended consequences for the merging code.

Could you please change your three way merge order preference and see if
that fixes/works around the problem for you?
I just tested meld 1.8.6 and the first difference was that when merge was fired
running 'git mergetool' meld starts with the before-merge state and 'Merge All'
merges the files, while meld 3.12.0 starts with the files _after_ git
performed the merges.
Pressing 'Merge All' several times switches the preferred side (LOCAL/REMOTE)
which is cool in both versions but I preferred the way 1.8.6 operated
redoing the merge in meld.
So to be completely clear, *nothing* has changed in Meld here. We take
the files we're given by git.

The default meld mergetool looks to see if we support --output, and if
so it gives us LOCAL/BASE/REMOTE, with --output=MERGED. If we *don't*
support --output, it gives us LOCAL/MERGED/REMOTE, which is what
you're seeing.


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