Re: Compare directories without subdirectories

Le 2018-08-13 à 18:40, Kai Willadsen via meld-list a écrit :
On 28 July 2018 at 13:31, Jonathan Belsewir <JonathanBelsewir yahoo de> wrote:
On 07/28/2018 02:10 AM, Kai Willadsen wrote:
However, I'm not sure that I understand what the goal is here. I think
you're basically asking for folder comparison to not descend into
directories? Are the subdirectories too big to compare or something?
I only want folder comparsion _without_ descending recursive into
I'm sorry, but this doesn't explain what the problem is with Meld's
current behaviour.

If you just don't like that there are other folders on the screen,
then that's definitely not something that I'm willing to add an option
and extra logic for.

If your concern is speed, then there's several significant speed
improvements in current master.

If it's something else, then please elaborate. From my perspective we
currently compare what you want us to compare, and then do extra work
that you can ignore. Adding preferences and handling for additional
options here makes everything more complicated, both in terms of code
and also, more importantly, for other users.

It wasn't my suggestion, but in my case a typical comparison without 
subfolders might take 20 seconds, but with all subfolders several 
minutes.  Because the subfolder comparison includes maybe more than 50 
times the number of files, or very large files.
In is not just a one-time comparison, often the same comparison must be 
re-done a few times after various corrections, if subfolders are included.
Not talking about typical application source code, which in my 
experience would rarely encounter such a problem.
It doesn't seem overly complicated to add such an option, particularly 
for the advantage that gives in certain cases.
This discussion reminds me of the hide option being dropped : despite 
the other (very positive) improvements, it was a big loss for 
comparisons with thousands of files.
my 2¢

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