Re: Heavily used program appreciated and wishings ...

On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 at 12:23, NGAndMainAccess MELLOTT <melken tds net> wrote:
Hi all,

I am not familiar what the usual updating cycle for the mailing list downloads is.  The last one I noted is 
in May.  I hope everyone is healthy.
I'm not certain what you mean by "mailing list downloads", but the
list archives are at and
should always be current.

I use Meld quite often and consider it of great value.  One feature that might be nice though, would be to 
have the option to have it display an inverted highlighted (perhaps deep red background) filler for missing 
characters.  One might put a matching highlighted statement of its size (and purpose) when it is selected 
for added clarity on the status line at the bottom of the main dialog window.
I'm not sure I totally understand what you're asking for here. Do you
mean that in the within-change highlighting, we would show characters
that existed on one side but not the other with a different background
colour? If so, that's an interesting idea but I'd be worried that it
would be very visually confusing.

Also, there's the problem of deciding whether a character is modified
vs. missing, which would then become another layer.

The only other thing [and it is likely a big one] that may be helpful where files are to be (highly) equal 
and differences need to be fixed; would be to use the full width of the display and use ~boxed~ areas 
having a light off shade differing backgrounds for the lines that differ in the files.  The memory of the 
differing cursor positions in each box is nice.
So an inline diff style rather than side-by-side? I'm not certain how
much work that would be, but probably quite a lot. However, I'm not
sure how much benefit Meld would be over a much simpler editor with an
inline-diff format.


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