Re: Changes for new committee members

Le samedi 23 avril 2005 Ã 00:25 +0300, Baris Cicek a Ãcrit :
I just addes new committee members names and e-mail addresses into
form-letters, as Vincent suggested so. 

Those are the names and e-mails that I have added. Vincent is on top
since he's chair, and the rest is alphabetically sorted. 
I think it's better if I'm not at the top of the list and if it's only
alphabetically sorted since "chair" here isn't really important :-)
Also it should probably be sorted by last names (and not first names).

  Vincent Untz <vincent vuntz net>
  Albert Mora <jarashi telefonica net>
  Baris Cicek <baris teamforce name tr>
  Eddy Mulyono <eddymulyono mail com>
  Sankarshan Mukhopadhay <sankarshan randomink org>

I hope I haven't done any mistake about names and emails. Seems like
those files should be ascii-encoded, I would be pleased if Vincent
clarify this issue. 
Good question. I see no reason not to convert them to UTF-8, so it's
probably a good thing to convert them.

Btw, is there any place apart from theese files that committee members
should be changed? Vincent? Glynn? 
Yes: the HACKING file :-)
I think that's all.



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