Re: RFC for the migration of the membership management

Vincent Untz wrote:
Thanks to Ross Golder, we might have an easy way to manage the
Foundation memberships in a near future. It will be web-based. No more
CVS files. Yay!
Thanks Ross - you will end up making the days of lots of folks.

Right now, I'm wondering if we should migrate all our data (i.e. even
migrate the previous members who did not renew their membership) or just
the current data. As I'm getting lazy, I'd be for the easy way and
ignore all the old data.
Ideally we should be looking towards migrating *all data*. Serves as a
base reference point rather than take the hassle of maitaining 2
separate information silos.

Also, I don't think we need to keep the contributions and contacts in
the database since, I suppose, they're only need to process the
Might be a good idea given the recent thread on membership-committee on
L10n work. For contacts, perhaps keeping a single contact would be good.
Serves as a point of reference.



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