Re: GNOME Membership Application of Nirmal Kumar


Nirmal Kumar has worked on around 30 to 40 bugs, which includes filing
new bugs, adding patch, comments. Many of his patches have been approved
and committed. He has worked on various modules of gnome-media, sound
juicer. He has also got a cvs access recently. I have been interacting
with him since last month.

Thanks and Regards,

On Mon, 2005-03-28 at 18:20, Vincent Untz wrote:
Dear Ronald, Balamurali and Kaushal,

The GNOME foundation membership committee needs more informations to
process the application of Nirmal Kumar. Since he has listed you as the
primary contact, the committee would like you to list the contributions
that Nirmal Kumar has made for the GNOME community in recent times.
Your input will be greatly appreciated to help us to make a fair and
informed decision in the granting or denying the applicant as a
foundation member.

At your service,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

  Eric Baudais <baudais kkpsi org>
  Gael Chamoulaud <strider gnome org>
  Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu randomink org>
  Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc linuxweasel com>
  Vincent Untz <vincent vuntz net>

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