Re: Communication improvement


2007/7/10, Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org>:

2007/7/10, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan randomink org>:
> it me or the reply-to for the list needs some tender loving care ?
> Hi,
> On 7/10/07, Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org> wrote:
> > Yes, it would be nice to provide some "tips" about how to get their
> > applications processed faster. We could add a link to a
> > "TipsForApplicants" wiki page in the application form.
> In effect something like:
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee processes the application
> based on the responses provided by the Contacts. In order to ensure
> that the turnaround time for your application is less, here are a few
> things to keep note of:

What about "...based on the responses from the Contacts you provide us."?
What about "shorter" instead of "less"?
What about "keep in mind" instead of "keep note of"?

> + Do take time to provide complete contact details including a current e-mail ID

What about "address" instead of "ID"?

> + Before submitting the application you might like to talk with the
> proposed contacts thus alerting them of a mail from the GNOME
> Foundation Membership Committee

What about "you might want to..." instead of "you might like to..."?

> + List your contributions to GNOME in detail (Hint: Nothing is too
> much or trivial)
> + Please provide a valid and active e-mail ID which would be entered
> into the GNOME Foundation Membership Database should your application
> be favorably considered

What about "address" instead of "ID"?

> > I still think that, in some cases, it would be good to provide some
> > feedback to the applicant about why the application is taking too long
> > to be processed.
> I think so too. Clarity has no substitute.

Ok, let's do it. :-)
Another thing it's very important to have in this tips page is something like:

"Tell us how long you have been involved in the project"

The involvement time is a very important aspect.


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