Re: [ #2614] GNOME Membership Application of Sjoerd Simons


I can confirm Sjoerd Simons helped me a lot with Gossip-telepathy (bug
fixing, some great new features, etc). Gossip-telepathy is a GNOME IM
client using the telepathy backend to connect all kind of protocols.

He also wrote telepathy-salut, a link local Connection Manager for

Hopefully telepathy will be used for IM in GNOME in the future so all
that work he did is really something that will be very useful for the
GNOME desktop.

Xavier Claessens.

Le jeudi 22 mars 2007 Ã 02:16 -0400, Lucas Rocha via RT a Ãcrit :
Dear Jordi Mallach, Xavier Claessens, Robert McQueen, and Masao Mutoh,

The GNOME foundation membership committee needs more information to
process the application of Sjoerd Simons. Since he has listed
you as the primary contact, the committee would like you to list the
contributions that Sjoerd Simons has made for the GNOME community in
recent times. Your input will be greatly appreciated to help us to make
a fair and informed decision in the granting or denying the applicant as
a foundation member.

At your service,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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