Re: Referenda system

Hi Baris,

Jeff will officialy propose the referendum today. So, here's the
schedule I propose.

September 21 - End of application renewal period
September 24 - Instructions mailed to eligible voters, voting begins
October 7 - Voting closes
October 8 - Preliminary results are announced
October 15 - Last day to challenge preliminary results

As soon as Jeff proposes in foundation-list member (and membership is
positive about the referendum), we can announce the application
renewal deadline, right?


2007/8/31, Baris Cicek <baris teamforce name tr>:
On Fri, 2007-08-31 at 00:04 +0300, Lucas Rocha wrote:
Hi all,

The board is about to propose a referenda for shifting the election
cycle back six months. The topic has been already discussed in

Jeff still needs to make a more structured/formal proposal in
foundation-list but I'd like to know how easy would it be to setup an
instance of our voting system for this new referenda. Baris, I guess
you have more details? Vincent?
We need set a deadline for last membership renewal day. Once this has
been set, there's not much hassle to run a referandum. It's basically,
getting list of voters, creating tokens, mailing them and filling out
necessary fields on the mysql table.

Let me know what needs to be done and can work on getting things
actually done. The idea (just an idea for now) is to have the votes by
the end of september.
That's possible since referendum is just consisted of yes/no votes, we
won't need any prior time like asking questions or waiting for
candidates etc.

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