Re: What's the latest on the accounts ?

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Bruno Boaventura
<brunoboaventura gmail com> wrote:

 +1 month with no response of sysadmins about that issue.
I am really upset (and completely powerless other than blog
mercilessly about it) to fix this. I know of at least 3 l10n team
coordination being hindered and I also know as to how commits for them
are happening. If anyone was watching the i18n list, you would have
noticed the harsh fallout and falling apart of the kn_IN team.

What exactly is the problem ? Why is it such that it cannot be fixed ?
And, does anyone have a way out on this ?

 Luciana and Fernando: please open a new ticket asking password reset
 for Mango and RT. Your previous tickets aren't in the queue anymore.
Not again. Please $DEITY this is becoming a ridiculous farce. Why are
we trying this hard to drive away good people ?

 Sankarshan and Lucas: Maybe I can help being part of Accounts Team.
 Who can give me the power (I'll ask him)? :-)
I am powerless to help, Lucas is God :) but I guess even the Good Lord
is being tested


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