Re: [ #10952] GNOME Membership Application of Simon van der Linden

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 16:21, Alberto Ruiz <aruiz gnome org> wrote:
2010/3/11 Johan Dahlin <johan gnome org>:
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Andrea Veri via RT
<membership-applications gnome org> wrote:
Dear Tomeu, Alberto and Johan,
Yes, I support the application of Simon, he did a great job during the
summer of code
last year and continued to stay involved in the community afterwards.
Absolutely support it, great contributor
His GSoC performance was superb and he has continued pushing PyGI
forward since then, fully support him.



Johan Dahlin

Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz

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