Re: [ #12951] GNOME Membership Application of Bertrand Rousseau

Le 23/09/12 18:15, Tobias Mueller via RT a Ãcrit :
Hey Guillaume, Lionel :-)

The GNOME Membership Committee is about to process Bertrand's
application to become a GNOME Foundation Member and therefore need some
feedback about the applicant and their work on GNOME, both past and

Bertrand has been the founder of Getting Things GNOME with me, he has
been very active developing it, promoting it. I think he also
contributed patches to several applications (he also maintained a
Rhythmbox plugin and might still maintain it).

He promoted GNOME during events in our university of Louvain-la-Neuve
and helped several times on the FOSDEM booth.

I believe he's committed to GNOME.


Remember that vouching for a contributor means you really think the
applicant is committed to GNOME and will carry on contributing in the
future, and that you trust the applicant and their work. If unsure about
vouching or not, please let us know why you don't feel comfortable
enough in advocating this applicant.


The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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