Re: [ #15316] GNOME Membership Application from Ciarrai Cunneen

It would be good if the membership committee could provide some
clarification on this. Either way, we ought to be encouraging and welcoming.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 3:20 AM, Jim Hall <jhall gnome org> wrote:

I'm okay to deny Ciarrai's application now, and encourage them to
apply again after additional contributions. I am at LAS GNOME this
week; Ciarrai said they[1] were coming too. I can talk to Ciarrai
while we are here and discuss the decision and encourage continued
contribution to GNOME and re-application after some time has passed. I
will recommend at least six months, but preferably a year.

* I also recommend that we update the Foundation application page to
provide some clarification around parameters. I like Allan's wording
about "an expectation that members will be active contributors during
the period of their membership." Perhaps we can borrow that text to
include on the application page. We might also ask that applicants to
the Foundation provide some indication on planned ongoing work, how
they will remain active in GNOME, etc.


[1] Ciarrai's preferred pronoun is "they/them/their"

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Allan Day <aday gnome org> wrote:
While we base membership decisions on previous contributions, my
understanding is that there's an expectation that members will be active
contributors during the period of their membership. My only concern is to
establish that Ciarrai will contribute to GNOME for a prolonged period.


On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 10:01 PM, Jim Hall <jhall gnome org> wrote:
Yes, Ciarrai's contribution to date has been usability testing through
Outreachy (May-August 2016). This was good work, and work that I view
as actionable to improve GNOME Settings, but this is Ciarrai's only
contribution so far.

But I'm not sure this is sufficient to deny Foundation membership. The
Foundation application doesn't set a clear bar, only "contributor"
which Ciarrai has met.

Quoting from the Foundation application page:

"Who is eligible for membership?
Per the GNOME Foundation’s charter, any contributor to GNOME is
eligible for membership. Although it is difficult to specify a precise
definition, a contributor generally must have contributed to a
non-trivial improvement of the GNOME Project. Contributions may be
code, documentation, translations, maintenance of project-wide
resources, or other non-trivial activities which benefit the GNOME

The form asks for name, email, past or recent contributions ("i.e.
Bugzilla, Mailing Lists, or commits"), and references. The form
doesn't ask for planned future contributions.

What has been the practice for other Outreachy interns who wish to join


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 5:49 AM,  <aday gnome org> wrote:
Hi all,

I know that Ciarrai did a good job with her usability testing
but I'm not aware of any contributions outside of that. I think I'd be
comfortable to recommend her if she had plans to make further
within the project itself. Does anyone know if she intends to do this?


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