Re: [ #15195] Regarding Your GNOME Foundation Membership Application: Old Application

Hi Sankar,

Thanks for writing back.  The committee decided to close your
application, since your application was quite old. Your membership
expired on 2016-04-05. We encourage you to apply for renewal in case
you have substantial contributions in last 2 years, otherwise we
encourage you to apply for Emeritus Membership.

Kunaal Jain

On 20 April 2017 at 10:26, Sankar P via RT
<membership-applications gnome org> wrote:
After these months, you might want to updated your application
What does that mean ? My membership needs renewal ?

2017-04-20 4:36 GMT+05:30 Kunaal Jain via RT <
membership-applications gnome org>:

Hi Sankar P,

How are you doing? It's been a while since we last heard from you. After
these months, you might want to updated your application to join the GNOME
Foundation with your latest contributions to GNOME.

To keep things organized, we're closing this old membership application of
yours. You're more than welcome to apply again at

We're looking forward to hear from you again!

Best wishes,

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Sankar P

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membership-committee mailing list
membership-committee gnome org

Kind Regards,

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