Re: Moving to two year terms for board elections


the proposed change could have two immediate side effects:

1. the positive one being increasing term to 2y would give continuity
to the current Board, the time for a new member to get up to speed is
usually a couple of months, the proposal attempts to prevent this
2. the negative one being the proposal might discourage the membership
from running for the Board due to the longer term and commitment

While 1. would resolve a problem that has been biting us a lot in the
past 2. is also a valid concern esp. during these years where reaching
an adequate amount of candidates has become really hard (extending the
term might take us to an even lower amount of candidates proposing).
That said the membership and elections committee cannot influence such
a decision in case the Board would vote in favor of applying it as per
Section 8.3 of the Bylaws:

Each of the directors shall hold office for one (1) year, or a period
of up to two (2) years as determined by the Board and announced prior
to an election being called.


if you're planning to move forward with the above proposal to the
Board please make sure our considerations will be taken into account.


Il giorno mer 6 feb 2019 alle ore 12:56 Tobias Mueller
<muelli cryptobitch de> ha scritto:
Hi Neil,

On Wed, 2019-02-06 at 11:39 +0000, Neil McGovern wrote:
so if you have any comments/ideas, please let me know!
I'm firmly against this idea as it represents a strict subset of what is
possible today. IOW, you can achieve your goals by convincing the
electorate of how they cast their vote.

But even from a more practical point of view, I think it's a bad idea to
increase the term candidates commit to. In the last few years we had
only few candidates. I believe that making the task bigger is making it
even more unlikely to have a good set of candidates.


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Red Hatter,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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