Metacity shaded state

Hi All,

I am a Gnome themer and I am working with Metacity themes these days and I am an active member of several projects tho.
Sorry to bother you with my question, I tried to find answer on several forums with no success but I got a tip to ask on this mailing list instead.

I have a dark gtk theme called minimaLUX and I want to change that Metacity will look different in shaded window state.
For some reason I could not make that no matter I have changed in my code. I want to reach that in shaded window stat the gray line is not there. That gray line is needed when the window is open (normal state) but I do want to have different in shaded style.

Can you help me on this, I would appreciate it very much.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Erno [szerencsefia]

Attachment: minimaLUX.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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