Re: Is Android Intended to _Create_ Fragmentation?

Must say that I fully agree on the fragmentation point. My first tought 
when I first had a look at Android was that this is the least thing that 
the community needs.
Well, ofcourse the good side of the story is that Google put Linux to the 
center of the mobile world.
And I do agree that Web 2.0 / AJAX are the service technologies of 
tomorrow. Those won't alone solve the fragmentation problem, but will make 
it easier for an operator to launch services across different devices
We gnome folks are of course the good guys fighting the fragmentation
of the market place. "We are not evil!" :-)


An interesting article, with a direct quote to that effect from Sanjay
Jha, COO of Qualcomm (a proud member of OHA), in The Register, at

This supports my thinking about Android, and maybe even exceeds my
estimations of Google's cynicism toward the real open source community.
It wasn't that the existing efforts "weren't good enough", as Google's
been claiming, nor that the existing initiatives "weren't moving fast
enough". It's that they weren't _Google--controlled_ enough, and they
didn't create enough of a situation where only web-based approaches (a
strength of Google's) could really thrive.

So much for "Don't be evil", I guess.

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