Re: [Muine] Moving songs to the end of list

On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 23:52 +0100, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> > I'm also wondering if this usage (playing single songs from the
> > playlist) might be common enough to justify a function to do just that?
> What kind of function do you mean?

I wanted to give you a detailed answer on this, but the more I think
about it, the more I get convinced that it was a silly idea in the first
place. :) I was thinking about click+modifier or context menu, but it's
probably not used often enough to really justify that, especially once
the TreeView bug is fixed.

> > Oh and while I'm testing around, I just noticed another weird behavior.
> > I added a song which was already in my playlist and the result was, that
> > the song was added to the end of the list, but it started playing the
> > same song earlier in the list (which wasn't removed). Not exactly what I
> > expected. :)
> Ah, right ;) Just fixed this one.. thanks for pointing it out!

Great. :)

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