Re: [Muine] (no subject)

perhaps it can group a desired folder eg singles - into a compilation abum...which adds all the singles songs as if an album...i would be happy with would cut down on the inaccurate album listings and make things tidier.....

From: Link Dupont <link subpop net>
To: Josh Davis-Ryan <joshdr77 hotmail com>
CC: muine-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Muine] (no subject)
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 19:53:59 -0800

I think this is just the nature of muine. Its the way it organizes music
is by album. This catches me off guard sometimes too. I end up going
"wait, I have that whole album?"...

On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 17:21, Josh Davis-Ryan wrote:
> hey dudes
> i have a problem with how muine grabs albums.
> my music folder is set up like this:
> music ---->signles  ---->just single sonds, with no albums go here.
>           ---->ablums  ---->all my full albums in here.
> muine reads all the files and makes a listing in th add dir if its not a
> full album, with files from singles.
> how can i get around this? its fairly annoying becuase when i want to add an
> album, i want it to be that, and ablum, not a single file.
> cheers, josh
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