Re: [Muine] iRadio mockup

W. Andrew Fergusson wrote:
This probably won't be all that popular, but since we're talking about mp3 streams, and buffering, how about adding some stream-ripper type abilities so you can save a clip of a song. So you won't have to deal with pausing, you'd just save what's left of the song, or save the next song? This could be illegal in the states, but at present in Canada it is not.
True, I'm in the States though, so I didn't really think of said feature. It'd be neat, though almost certainly illegal.

Also another really neat feature would be a played "history". A drop down menu, or something to see which songs have recently been played. Artist/Song/Album and what-not displayed with song time, and attempted links to said artists on or the guide. When I buy my music, I don't want to continually check the name/artist, and it would awesome if I could just call up a history.
Yes, this is a good idea. Like the Recent Documents menu in "Actions" in the panel.

Just a controversy and a thought...
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