Re: [Muine] Crash when importing playlists with 0.7.1

I'm at my parents' place for the holidays, and on this machine runs an
outdated SuSE 9.0 with the following versions:

jorn slof:~> pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
jorn slof:~> pkg-config --modversion libgnome-2.0
jorn slof:~> pkg-config --modversion gnome-vfs-2.0
jorn slof:~>

At home I use more recent stuff, Gtk 2.4.x as well, but I'm not sure
about Gnome.. probably 2.8.x.

I hope this is of any help ..


On Mon, 2005-01-03 at 15:51 -0500, Tom McLaughlin wrote:
> Jorn, what versions of GTK and Gnome do you have?  I've noticed that a
> lot of linux distros still have Gnome 2.6 or 2.4.  I wonder if this a
> problem with gtk-sharp 1.9.1 and Gnome 2.8 which is the current
> version
> on FreeBSD.  I've seen issues before with later version of Gnome
> causing
> problems with gtk-sharp's intended Gnome version.  I'm going to try a
> 0.8 pre-release shortly and see what happens.  Thanks.
> Tom

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