Re: [Muine] [PATCH] incomplete albums

On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 01:49 -0500, Tom McLaughlin wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 01:35 +0100, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> > After looking at this (I was about to commit it), I got a new idea:
> > 
> > How about defining a minimum album time length? We could put it, at,
> > say, 15 minutes- this should leave most single songs out. (And we could
> > make a gconf key for it)
> Time or even number of tracks might cause some songs to be erroneously
> marked.  I have Pink Floyd songs which are longer than some albums I
> own.  When you do the album cover lookup, can you get the track listing
> from there and used that in some way to determine full albums vs. single
> songs?

Using only number of tracks is out of the question right away, because
some albums have one 60 minute track (the necks), and others have many. 

Can't base info off a lookup either, because there won't be matches for
all albums, and besides, the user could have a different edition (+ or -
bonus tracks) than the one on amazon.

What we could do, based on Jonathan's suggestion:

MinLength = 30;
MinTracks = 3;

if (Length >= MinLength)
   Complete = true;
else if (Tracks >= MinTracks)
   Complete = true;
   Complete = false;

This should catch 1-track albums, and < 30 min short albums. 

As for the long pink floyd songs, if they are >= 30 mins, and have an
album tag, it means they are over half of a pink floyd album, and not
just a "single short song"- so I don't feel it in that case That big of
a big mistake to list them in the album window. Not perfect, no, but


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