[Muine] Re: persisting audio playback problems

i'm sorry but i forgot a detail about this situation. if the mp3 file is playing and i hit the back button so that it would start again there isn't such skipping!

On 07/06/05, z <nostalgiafed gmail com> wrote:
i tried changing from the gstreamer-properties the sink to alsasink and to esdsink but the problem stays the same. i did some observing. it seems that every song i play in muine only (tried it with other players too) when it comes to the 3 or 4th second of playback it mutes the sound for a second..at least i can describe it so :(. so you get with the feeling the mp3 is torn, and is really annoying to skip a second of every songs beginning. i'm using the latest muine. and if anyone has any ideas from where does this problem come from, he/she will be a saviour :)
thanks in advance,

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