Re: [Nautilus-list] Some Nautilus bugs

One concrete thing you can do to help the process of understanding this
kind of bug (not that they are rocket science) is add your specific
comments to the bug reports that already exist about them - or file new

For example, here is a bugzilla query about "font":

In particular the screenshots with comments on them would be useful as

We agree that the hardcoded fonts and sizes are bad and we want to fix
them in a reasonable way.



Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I took some time to make screen-shots of the most annoying
> visual bugs I found in Nautilus. I think most of them have
> already be reported by me or by others, however a
> screen-shot may often be easier to understand than a few
> comments in bad english.
>  Please do not pay too much attention to the tone of the
> comments, by the time I got to them I was in a pretty bad
> mood:(. I admit I didn't do a very exhausive bugzilla search
> after writing this, so if you feel one of the remarks
> deserves the filling of a new bug, feel free to say so.
>  The page is available at :
> --
> Nicolas

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