[Nautilus-list] Emlem sugestion

So I finally got nautilus to compile and I
think this is going to be really neat. Keep 
up the good work.

I had an idea about some things to do with 
emblems. There was talk earlier on how music
is played during a mouseover of a music file. How 
about adding an emblem to the music file that
represents 'play' where if the user mouses over
the emblem the music plays ( or else the user can
click on the emblem )? Similarily I like these sidebar 
notes and I think it would be really neat to have
a yellow notes emblem that when moused over 
would show the notes I wrote for that file or diectory.
I think it would be really neat to add functionality
in the form of these emblems as a replacement for
some of the things one might find in a menu bar
or a context menu although there is obviously
a limit to how much you can put on an icon. Is this



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