Re: Linux for PDAs / Re: [Nautilus-list] current thinking on canvas vs. anti-aliased canvas

At 11:14 19/06/2000 -0400, Elliot Lee wrote:
On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Kevin Rochowski wrote:

> I believe that there is an area that we are all overlooking - that of
> multi-platform flexibility. Currently we are looking at Linux on a
> "standard" PC platform, and through Nautilus are trying to make it as
> user friendly yet as flexible as possible. However, we should also
> note that some developers are looking at putting embedded Linux into
> other environments such as PDAs

PDA's ala PalmPilot are going to require a very different interface
anyways - you can't just tweak a desktop GUI and make it work nicely on a
PDA. I think focusing on the desktop for now is imperative, and if someone
actually starts doing a PDA environment on Linux, there's a lot of code &
components that can be shared from Nautilus.
Perhaps this will be more interesting when we have to deal with more XML 
applications. Currently Nautilus has a browser component. In the future, 
the concept of the browser is likely to change into that of an "application 
host" - a high level equivalent of X-windows for todays apps. As long as 
that is kept in mind for the future, then I agree that getting it up and 
running smoothly on the desktop is more important. ;)



Kevin Rochowski
Systems Engineer
Cisco Systems Ltd
3 The Square
Stockley Park
Middlesex UB11 1BN
United Kingdom

Direct Line:		+44 (0)20 8756 9163
Mobile:		+44 (0)7710 634698
Email:		krochows cisco com

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