Re: [Nautilus-list] Compilatin problems - rsvg-ft.c

Try remove old freetype devel pacakges on your system, then compile Nautilus
Like this:  rpm -ev  freetype-devel-1.3.1-5


Maciej Rusin wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to compile Nautilus on my box. Unfortunately I'm getting a
> whole bunch of parse errors from rsvg-ft.c. I'm obviously missing something
> here. Could someone tell me what am I doing wrong and tell me the packages
> from which is rsvg-ft.c using structures. I looked at the includes and all
> included headers from libart and freetype are present. But I couldn't find a
> definition to a couple of structures in any of them ( like FT_Library,
> FT_Face etc. the name suggests freetype library but I have Freetype2-beta8
> compiled and installed from sources). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> --
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print sort split('x','kxaxZxc');
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