Re: [Nautilus-list] File renaming

on 9/10/00 7:04 AM, Maciej Stachowiak at mjs eazel com wrote:

> In Nautilus, Ctrl+O is the open/activate keyboard shortcut. Space does
> not do anything. Actually, I wasn't able to figure out a way to select
> multiple files with the keyboard at all. Maybe I did not try hard
> enough.

You didn't, though the feature is pretty obscure (and well-hidden,
deservedly so in my opinion).

You can select multiple files from the keyboard using Control-arrow-keys in
icon or list view. Unmodified arrow keys move the single-item selection from
icon to icon. Control-arrow-keys leave the selection unchanged while moving
the keyboard-focus from icon to icon. Control-space toggles the selected
state of the keyboard-focus icon. When control-arrowing around, the
keyboard-focus icon is drawn with a stippled border (though the drawing of
that border is a little buggy right now; sometimes not all four sides are
drawn, and the bugginess looks different with and without the anti-aliased
canvas on).


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