Re: [Nautilus-list] Nautilus HEAD segfaults when trying to launch it

On 22 Apr 2001 21:52:22 -0700, Darin Adler wrote:
> on 4/22/01 3:22 PM, Dan Hensley at dan hensley home com wrote:
> > While waiting to find out how to compile gnome-vfs HEAD, I decided to
> > compile Nautilus HEAD.  It compiled fine, but when I try to run it from
> > the src directory, I get:
> > 
> >     $ ./nautilus
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: Throbber Activation exception 'Unknown CORBA exception
> > id: 'IDL:OAF/GeneralError:1.0''
> > Segmentation fault
> 1) The warning may be unrelated to the seg. fault.
> 2) It's nearly impossible to guess what's wrong just from the message
> "Segmentation fault". You'll need to run under a debugger and get some more
> information about where it failed.
>     -- Darin

I believe this occurred because one of the OAF files from the nautilus-1
package (which was installed) was different from HEAD.  I took the jump
and installed the HEAD package, and then Nautilus started up fine.


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