Re: [Nautilus-list] Some Bugs and Concerns

Michael Leone wrote:

Which is stupid since I use toolbars with text and icons in applications
that i'm not used to, and once i'm used to all the icons I turn of the
text to save some screen space.
I totally agree.

I totally disagree.
That's just fine.

I *like* my icons to have text with them at all times. Altho, yes, it should
be configurable, on a user-by-user basis.

The question wasn't whether to make it configurable, it was whether it should be app by app or across the board. He says that he uses icons only except when he's trying a new program. In that case he wants to be able to turn text on as well to help him out *for that program only*. With the Gnome style, he would have to turn text on for *every* app, not just the one he needs help with.

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