[Nautilus-list] tighter change review policy for run-up to 1.0

Up until this point, having a reviewer for your changes (someone else who
proofreads the changes, and asks you questions about how you did your
testing) was voluntary for Nautilus. Some of the Eazel hackers have done it
for some or most of their changes.

For now (during the time leading up to the code freeze), we'd like to change
the policy slightly. All Nautilus contributors are now required to have a
reviewer review each change and to mention the reviewer's name in the
ChangeLog entry. We'll loosen this again after the 1.0 milestone.

If you have that one in a million change that must be committed without
someone reviewing it, go ahead and commit, but be prepared to explain why
your change was so vital and time-sensitive that it had to go in without a

We'll make an exception for translator check-ins in the po directory. Please
be careful and don't break the build, but we won't ask you to have a
reviewer for each check-in.

    -- Darin

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