Re: [Nautilus-list] gnome-vfs on


The nautilus tinderbox have been locked for a while because of gnome-vfs package which was not building correctly due to some documentation issues. As most of nautilus packages depends of it, I think Robin should have removed the gnome-vfs build from the tinderbox. This was the only way to fix the builds (this have been done around june 19th).
You should build gnome-vfs by hand or just use your current version.
If you have a way to fix gnome-vfs package (in cvs), I think it could be reintegrated in builds.
Jens Ansorg wrote:


I've been away some time on vacation :-))
I'd like to get up to date with nautilus and visited the
there seems to be no gnome-vfs anymore and and updating my RPMs (from
end of may) fails now

any hint?

Jens Ansorg

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		   Remi Cohen-Scali
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