[Nautilus-list] Nautilus experience and some problems


  I installed nautilus on my Debian system. It runs pretty well and
speed has also improved very Much but there are a few problems. 

1. On the desktop right click menu there is no CDrom device. Only
floppy is there. I have tried recompiling the nautilus .debs on my
system but it still doesn't work. After doing some research it
appears that there is a similar bug in bugzilla (#6396) marked fixed
and also in bugs.debian.org (#89709). The bug in bugzilla seems to
be marked as fixed. The contents of my /etc/fstab are as below

/dev/hda5	/		ext2	defaults,errors=remount-ro	0	
/dev/hdb9	none		swap	sw			0	0
proc		/proc		proc	defaults			0	
/dev/fd0	/floppy		auto	defaults,user,noauto		0	
/dev/cdrom	/cdrom		iso9660	defaults,ro,user,noauto		0	
/dev/hda2 /boot ext2 rw			0	2
/dev/hda6 /var ext2 rw			0	2
---Rest cut off

2. I have also installed the gnome-1.4 rc1 packages and there are a
couple of problems coexisting with it. Gnome-1.4 provides
application feedback using xalf. But this does not seem to be the
case with icons on the desktop.

3. If I drag some launchers from the panel to the desktop it doesn't
work. Only the ones in the Foot menu and that also in the unmodified
form work. 

4. I am currently using a light coloured background. This makes it
impossible to read the text on the desktop icons.

5. How about integrating the nautilus preferences dialog with the
control center?

6. When will Eazel officially include support for debian ..:).

Apart from the above nautilus is a very good product and now usable
for everyday work.


Vijay Prabakaran              
B.Tech Student(Final Year)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology - New Delhi.
At once it struck me what quality went to form a man of achievement,
especially in literature, and which Shakespeare possessed so enormously
-- I mean negative capability, that is, when a man is capable of being
in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching
after fact and reason.
		-- John Keats

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