Re: [Nautilus-list] Schemas file update:

Ok,here is the modified file.

It is not complete.
first, I do not know how to treat this:
(from natilus-global-preference.c)

	  NULL, default_home_location_callback, g_free

	/* Sidebar panel default */
	{ nautilus_sidebar_news_enabled_preference_name,
	{ nautilus_sidebar_notes_enabled_preference_name,
	{ nautilus_sidebar_history_enabled_preference_name,
	{ nautilus_sidebar_tree_enabled_preference_name,

and Second, I'm not sure I have all the correct keys. (ie

I only used

well, I think that's it.

Luis Gutierrez

    <!-- Keep the defaults in sync with the emergency fallbacks 
         in nautilus-global-preferences.c -->
    <!-- General preferences -->        

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to show dotfiles</short>
          If set to true, then hidden files (dotfiles) are shown in 
          the file manager.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to use xalf</short>
          If set to true, then Xalf will be used to provide
	  application launch feedback.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>xalf options</short>
	  a set of strings which are passed as options to Xalf if
	  it is used.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to show backup files</short>
          If set to true, then backup files such as those created
          by Emacs are displayed. Currently, only files ending in 
          a tilde (~) are considered backup files.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to ask for confirmation when moving files to trash</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will ask for confirmation when 
           you attempt to put files in the trash.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to enable immediate deletion</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will have a feature allowing
           you to delete a file immediately and in-place, instead of moving it 
           to the trash. This feature can be dangerous, so use caution.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>When to show preview text in icons</short>
           Speed tradeoff for when to show a preview of text file contents
           in the file's icon.
           If set to "always" then always show previews, 
           even if the directory is on a remote server.
           If set to "local_only" then only show previews for local filesystems.
           If set to "never" then never bother to read preview data.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>When to show number of items in a directory</short>
           Speed tradeoff for when to show the number of items in a 
           directory. If set to "always" then always show item counts, 
           even if the directory is on a remote server. 
           If set to "local_only" then only show counts for local filesystems.
           If set to "never" then never bother to compute item counts.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Type of click used to launch/open files</short>
           Possible values are "single" to launch files on a single click, 
           or "double" to launch them on a double click.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>What to do with executable text files when activated</short>
        What to do with executable text files when they are activated
        (single or double clicked).
        Possible values are "launch" to launch them as programs,
        "ask" to ask what to do via a dialog, and "display" to display
        them as text files.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Current Nautilus theme</short>
          Name of the Nautilus theme to use.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>When to show thumbnails of image files</short>
           Speed tradeoff for when to show a image files as a thumbnail.
           If set to "always" then always thumbnail, 
           even if the directory is on a remote server.
           If set to "local_only" then only show thumbnails for local filesystems.
           If set to "never" then never bother to thumbnail images,
           just use a generic icon.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>When to play a sound file if the mouse hoovers over it</short>
           Speed tradeoff for when to preview a sound file.
           If set to "always" then always play, 
           even if the directory is on a remote server.
           If set to "local_only" then only play for local filesystems.
           If set to "never" then never bother to play sounds.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Maximum image size for thumbnailing</short>
          Images over this size (in bytes) won't be 
          thumbnailed. The purpose of this setting is to 
          avoid thumbnailing large images that may 
          take a long time to load or use lots of memory.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to store metadata in each directory, or in a single global location</short>
          Nautilus records information about each directory you visit, such 
          as its background color, emblems, zoom level, and so on. 
          This information can be stored in one location in your home
          directory, or it can be stored in each directory in hidden files.
          The advantages of storing per-directory are that it's more robust 
          (can't be deleted in one go) and that for folders used by 
          multiple users, the metadata will be shared. So for example 
          all users can see emblems applied to files.

          If this setting is "local_only", for local filesystems metadata 
          will be stored per-directory, and for remote connections 
          it will be stored in the user's home directory. If it's "never" 
          then all metadata will go in the user's home directory; if it's 
          "always" then all metadata will go in the directory being described. 
          (However, for read-only directories, metadata always goes in the
          user's home directory.)

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to use smooth (antialiased) graphics</short>
           If toggled on, smooth out jagged graphics, possibly 
           using more resources.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to show special flags</short>
           Whether to show special flags.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to show directories before files</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will show directories before files.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to show directories before files</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will show directories before files.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to treat the desktop as the home directory</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will use the home directory as the
           desktop, showing all files and directories that are inside it.
           Nautilus will also show the desktop regular items such as Home,
           CD or DVD drives and floppies.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default option when searching files</short>
	   You can search files either by file name only or by other properties.
	   This option controls what controls are shown when the "search" button is
	   When "search by file name and file properties" is enabled, you will have
	   the option of adding advanced search rules such as size, type, emblems,
	   owner, dates, etc.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to treat open each file and directory in a new window</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will open all files and directories in
           a new windows, instead of using the current one.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to show Nautilus default bookmarks</short>
           If set to true, then Nautilus will only show those bookmars that you
           have added.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>width of the sidebar</short>
          This is the size that the sidebar will use.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to start Nautilus showing the toolbar</short>
           Whether to start Nautilus showing the toolbar or not.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to start Nautilus showing the location bar</short>
           Whether to start Nautilus showing the location bar or not.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to start Nautilus showing the status bar</short>
           Whether to start Nautilus showing the status bar or not.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to start Nautilus showing the side bar</short>
           Whether to start Nautilus showing the side bar or not.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to start show directories in the tree sidebar</short>
           If set to false Nautilus will show both directories and files 
           in the tree sidebar.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether to use a proxy</short>
           Enable this to have Nautilus use a proxy server for connecting to
           the internet.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Port number to connect to the proxy server</short>
           Port number to connect to the proxy server
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Wether to use an authenticatin password</short>
           Wether use an authenticatin password for the proxy
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Maximun number of news</short>
          Maximun number of news to show per site.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Update news frequency in minutes</short>
          Check for news every this amount of minutes.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Add to session</short>
          Add to session.
    <!-- Icon View preferences -->     
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Icon captions to show</short>
	   The further you zoom in, more icon captions are shown. Here you can
	   control what captions to shown firt.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default sort order</short>
           Layout files and directories according to name, size, type, 
           modificatin date and emblems.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Whether sort files automatically or place them manually</short>
           Whether sort files automatically or place them manually
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Reverse the order of the layout</short>
           If enabled files will be sort in the reverse order. ie, if sorted
           by name, then instead of sorting the files from "a" to "z", they will
           be sorted from "z" to "a"; if sorted by size, instead of being 
           incrementally they will be sorted decrementally.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Wether to layout icons tighter</short>
           If enabled icons will be layout tighter than usuall. 
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Wether to layout icons manually</short>
           If enabled icons will be layout manually instead of automatically. 
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default zoon level</short>
           Selects the default zoom level for the icons in the icon view.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default zoom font size</short>
	   The font size at default zoom in the icon view.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>The default icon view font</short>
	   The default font for use in the icon view.
    <!-- List View preferences -->   
      <locale name="C">
         <short>The default list view font</short>
	   The default font for use in the list view.

      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default zoom font size</short>
	   The font size at default zoom in the list view.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default zoom font size</short>
	   The font size at default zoom in the list view.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default sort order</short>
           Layout files and directories according to name, size, type, 
           modificatin date and emblems.	   
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Reverse the order of the layout</short>
           If enabled files will be sort in the reverse order. ie, if sorted
           by name, then instead of sorting the files from "a" to "z", they will
           be sorted from "z" to "a"; if sorted by size, instead of being 
           incrementally they will be sorted decrementally.
      <locale name="C">
         <short>Default zoon level</short>
           Selects the default zoom level for the icons in the list view.

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