Re: Label: Icon & List Views (Was: Nautilus preferences proposal)

If the preferences relate to these views only, then I would be inclined to leave the title as is. I thought the preferences were for all views.

And now I see that the click behavior settings also affect the desktop background objects - I think that we need to do a little more than just change the label here.

So I suggest leaving as is until post 2.0. If we agree, I can log a bug for it, with target milestone 2.0.x.


Alex Larsson wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Eugene O'Connor wrote:
> > In the documentation, I refer to the right side of Nautilus windows as the "view pane". So I suggest View Pane as the title for these preferences.
> But this is not about the "view pane" in general, but two specific view...
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>  Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc
>                    alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se
> He's a scrappy overambitious stage actor from a doomed world. She's a mentally
> unstable Bolivian queen of the dead with only herself to blame. They fight
> crime!

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