Re: [Nautilus-list] RFC: website content

On 2/19/02 8:48 AM, "Jon Allen" <jonallen sdf lonestar org> wrote:

> 3. Themes: Can people send links to Nautilus themes?  How do I create a
> Nautilus theme?  I'd like to write up a quick doc for this.

A Nautilus theme consists of the main theme file and the icons. There are a
set of rules for how to name the icons so they are found that involve the
MIME types, and icon names that are in the gnome-mime-data software.

The main theme file itself is an XML file with various colors, sizes, and
other specifications in it. I don't know if anyone has made a complete list
before, but it's relatively easy to do that by looking at the themes already
in Nautilus. And if you want to be completely thorough, you can look at the
31 places where nautilus_theme_get_theme_data is called.

> 4. Developers: What resources are out there for Nautilus developers?  Pointers
> to CVS, nautilus-list, bugzilla should be there, but what else?

A pointer to the sample component would be good.

A list of the libraries used and their relationship to nautilus would be
good. Here's a start at a list, in no particular order: glib, pango, gtk+,
libgnome/libbonobo/ui, librsvg, eel, libjpeg, esound, bonobo-activation,
gnome-desktop, libart, libgnomecanvas, libxml. Each is used by Nautilus for
a particular reason, and explaining that would help people.

A pointer to some of the documents in docs might help.

A brief history of Nautilus development (mentioning Eazel) could also help.

    -- Darin

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