Re: [Nautilus-list] BUG - WORKSFORME: bg & emblems mouse wheel causes mouse to enter dnd but never leave

John Fleck <jfleck inkstain net> writes:

> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 10:31:09PM +0100, Markus Bertheau wrote:
> >
> > 
> > gnome2 cvs HEAD
> > 
> > but there is no WORKSFORME as in mozilla bugzilla...
> > 
> > if it really works then that bug is bad for the stats...
> > 
> > Markus Bertheau
> How 'bout "NOTABUG" with a note saying why. That oughta suffice.

OK, here's how it's supposed to work:

  WORKSFORME isn't a useful resolution for the reported because the 
  bug isn't that it doesn't work for you. There are a couple of 
  possibilities for what is going on:

   A) There was a bug, it has been fixed
   B) There wasn't a bug in the product, but the reporter
      has a real problem, either due to a bug somewhere
      else or system misconfiguration.
   C) The reporter is imagining things
   D) There is still a bug, you just can't reproduce it...

  If you know (or guess) it was A), close as FIXED
  If you know (or guess) it is B), close as NOTGNOME, preferably
    with information about where to report the bug.

  Otherwise, add a note saying "I can't reproduce this, can
  you try upgrading to the latest version, and if it still
  occurs, can you give detailed instructions for reproduction?"
  And change the state to NEEDINFO. If there is no response
  for a while (or the "more information" request is already
  there), the bug should be closed as INCOMPLETE.
  NOTABUG should only be used if you can explain _why_ it is
  not a bug, and are willing to defend your explanation.

  Note that there is no description for INVALID on the
  help page. I only left it in because people really wanted
  it, but they never told me what they wanted it for...
  I'd advise never using it.

That sounds a little complicated, but my experience with GTK+
is that it works well, and I almost never have to think about
what resolution to use. (Some things fall on the NOTABUG/WONTFIX


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