Re: Geometry issues ...

On 2 Jul 2002, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	Fine - but lets not keep saving it - I mean drag the window around, and
> see it flicker - switch virtual desktop with a large directory and see
> the horrible slowness as it re-sorts, re-lays out and re-renders the
> whole thing. Also, the disk IO is just ugly.

I think everyone agrees that we shouldn't be doing any re-sorts,
re-renders, etc.  However the disk IO problem, if it is occurring, sounds
like a bug in the metadata machinery.  When we originally discussed the
metadata update problem Darin suggested that the metadata wouldn't (or
shouldn't anyway) goto disk each time it was saved.

> 	It is also the case that the geometry management doesn't work at all
> with virtual desktops, for example start nautilus, switch to the desktop
> to the right of it, killall -9 nautilus, watch the window appear in a
> totally manic position. [ to do with negative offsets, clipping etc. ]
> 	After some more thought here is my conclusion:
> 	Saving / obeying the geometry in the meta-data seems to only make sense
> to me for the "browse each URL in a new window" setting, and if that
> setting is not turned on, then we are really doing a dis-service to
> usability, since when you do 'Control-N' your windows all get piled on
> top of the other window instead of the WM doing something sensible with
> them.

Yeah, I was also annoyed when I learned about the new Ctrl-N behavior..

> 	So, action item 1: Don't do geometry saving for the single
> 			   window browse mode - it just complicates the
> 			   semantics horribly.

This feature was basically the entire point of Frank's original patch.
While I don't really feel strongly about it, it appears to me that others
do.  IMHO, it is not unreasonable to expect nautilus to save geometry in
single window browse mode - the only unreasonable thing is that this
currently leads to unwanted refreshes and, arguably, the Ctrl-N problem.

> 	So, action item 2: Since we get a new window per URI _anyway_ we
> only need to save the geometry on window close
> 			   and restore it on window creation.

We might still not save the geometry if the user browses with the "Open in
This Window" right-click option.  One possible way around this would be to
save the geometry at location change time.  While I suppose this might be
workable, it is a shame that we can't just avoid getting extraneous
metadata updates.

Maybe you could wait a little while before commiting this?  Just to give
everyone a little time to digest it.  (We all know you can code faster
than most of us can think.. ;-)

Well, good luck, whatever you do,

  - David

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