Fixing #46238 and other EelBackground boo-boos


It looks like EelBackground and its helper EelBackgroundStyle are very
keen on using hardcoded defaults when the Nautilus theme does not
specify a color for something.  It looks to me like they should default
to the current GTK+ theme's colors.

For example, backgrounds fall back to white via the call to
eel_gdk_color_parse_with_white_default() inside

The intention is to be able to create Nautilus themes that follow the
GTK+ theme and thus can be made accessible (high contrast, etc.) easily
by just changing your global GTK+ theme.

The above changes are non-negotiable, as they are the right thing to do

Now, my question is whether we should modify the "GNOME" theme in
Nautilus not to include hardcoded color specifications.  This would make
it plainly follow the GTK+ theme.  It will look bland, but consistent. 
Does anyone else think the GNOME theme in Nautilus should be the
default, and it should also just follow your current GTK+ theme?


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