Re: application launch feedback (was: PATCH for some random stuff)

Xalf is apparently a really bad hack. The prefered way to implement app
feedback is to use the new freedesktop spec. I believe this is scheduled
to be added to nautilus and the panel in gnome 2.2


On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 03:06, Frank Worsley wrote:
> > It's my understanding that nautilus will never again use xalf so i
> > removed all code references to xalf. (Also changed the schema, is this
> > ok?)
> I was just thinking about xalf and application launch feedback.
> Isn't it possible to include the xalf stuff right inside libgnome? So
> when someone uses one of the gnome-run-program functions then xalf is
> automatically prepended to the path?
> If that does work, then why was it originally done seperately for
> nautilus and the panel, instead of adding it to libgnome right away so
> that all apps can benefit?
> - Frank

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