[Nautilus-list] Toolbar consistency for Nautilus and Galeon

Here's something that's been bugging me:

At this url: 
<http://www-personal.umich.edu/~smueller/galnaut.png> you can see a
screen-shot with the toolbars of both Galeon and Nautilus juxtaposed.
Would it be possible to get someone from the Gnome usability team to recommend
and arbitrate a consistent layout for these toolbars across both apps?
I'm especially talking about whether "up" (which is optional in Galeon)
should go between forward and back, or to the right (as it is in Nautilus),
and whether "stop" should go on the outside of the other buttons, 
or directly next to the navigation buttons. 

 There are other differences as well (which don't bother me much, but
others might care), such as (1)location of the location bars (which is
selectable in Galeon), (2) grouping separators, (3) the location/style
of the zoom control, (4)Drop-down history list in location window
(5)Drop down arrows in forward/backward buttons.(6) How Galeon's toolbar
takes up more space as a consequence of drop-down arrows (at least when
text captions are turned on).  (7) Presence of mini-icon identifier near
location window. (8) "Reload" vs "Refresh". (9) The "Location:" text in 

 FWIW, the current  HIG at 
states: "Similarly, the first few buttons in a browser application
should alway [sic] include Back, Forward, Stop and Reload, in that order."
This doesn't  mention "Up", and makes a recommendation about "Stop" that
neither of these apps follow.

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