The closing of old search bugs

Hi people,
I was at work all this weekend and had some time to spare while some
large database jobs where rolling. I decided to try and make something
usefull of my time so I started going through all the reports marked as
old in Nautilus bugzilla. There was a lot of old bugs which where
connected to the search functionality which is currently gone.

Thinking I was going to do us all a favour and make Nautilus bugzilla
more handleable I started closing most of those bugs as invalid due to
medusa being practically unmaintained. 

I talked to Louie today and he pointed out that it might not have been
such a good idea what I did, and in any case that it was not my decision
to make.

So I am writing this mail to ask you if I should re-open those bug
reports I closed again and apologize for going over the line.


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