Re: [PATCH] HIGfing confirm empty trash

Luca Ferretti <elle uca libero it> said:

> Probably this patch need more love (end experience), but it seems to
> work. And it's a confirmation: HIG rocks![1]
> There are just a couple of trouble, probably related to window manager
> (or to my ignorance:-P).
> If I'm right HIG said that alert's (BTW: this should be a confirmation
> alert, isn't it?) window frames should have _only_ menu button, with
> _only_ rollup/unroll commands. Actually we have only size/iconify
> related stuff disabled.
> Second trouble about window caption: using 
>     gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), NULL);
>     gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), NULL);
> I suppose that alert should have no title and no icon, but unfortunately
> it use the "File Manager" label as title and the gnome-fs-desktop.png
> icon. (A dirty hack to hide the title is s/NULL/"")

I'm incline to say that we should ignore the HIG here in regards to the 
window title and buttons (i'm not even sure you could do the buttons 
correctly in metacity yet), until such a time that we have a window hint for 
alerts (NET_WM_ALERT maybe). Setting the window title to NULL is a non-
option, since for a11y reasons every window needs a title (whether it is 
visible in the ui is a different issue).


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