Trash Can

(SuSE 9.0 Pro, Gnome 2.2.2, Nautilus 2.2.4)

When I try to open the Trash by clicking on the Trash icon either on the
Gnome desktop or in a Nautilus window, I get the error:

"The Media view encountered an error while starting up."

I've searched the SuSE Help Center. There are several references to
putting things into the trash but nothing about retrieving anything nor
can I find any entries specifically about trash operations.

First, does anyone know what that error message means?

Second, should I be able to open the trash and perhaps restore something
I've thrown in the trash? This is the way I would expect it to work but
just to be sure.

Last, does anyone know how to restore the trash can so that it works

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.

Don Henson

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