Re: "Keep Aligned" mode in nautilus

Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:

From: Ben Davis [mailto:ben xsusio com] Are we ever going to have the ability to "clean up by ____" whether it be name, type, size, or whatever??

Put it all in a folder and sort it. Nobody's desktop needs to get that

Damn, I really hope you're not a Gnome developer or top decision maker, because it's exactly that kind of attitude that makes applications suck. Every user has unique needs and unique preferences, and while you can't meet them all, you certainly DON'T have to leave out a feature simply because you think your way of doing it is better. But if I must explain, then:

I use my desktop as a temp or "unfiled" folder. Everything gets downloaded to my deskotp and dragged to my desktop when I don't have a place for it. Word documents, images, tarballs, whatever. When I want to clean up my desktop, and (for instance) I want to take all my word docs and file them away, i hate having to go through all the files when they're not sorted by type, it's much easier to be able to arrange them into groups and them deal with the files that way. Excuse me if that's not the way you think I should organize my desktop. It's the way I've always done things and I'm not likely to change my habits just because someone thinks I should do it their way.

Saying "Nobody's desktop needs to get that complicated" is like saying "Nobody's ever going to use more than 128k.." or "Why would you need a gui? just use command line!".. I mean, why would the top selling desktop operating system use the exact same "arrange icons by..." method that I'm talking about?? They obviously found some good reason to allow users to do this. And any user switching from windows to linux will tell you the same.

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