Re: raise opened windows when try to open new one

On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 16:00, Julien Olivier wrote:
> > I bought a book I like, I put it on my desk then I went to the bookshop
> > and bought the same book... maybe someone should teach
> > the bookseller to go into my home, check if I already have the book on
> > my desk and act accordingly ;)
> > 
> Well, if it was fast, secure and free, I would LOVE the bookseller to go
> check in my home if I don't already have the book ! I mean, what sounds
> impossible in real life is possible on computers. So let's do it !
> > The window list applet exist for a reason... beside what happens if _do_
> > want to open the same dir twice?
> The window list is here to help you find minimized apps. But if your
> forgot you opened your home directory, I don't see why you would have to
> ne "punished" for that (by having 2 home directories opened) if we can
> avoid that.
> The only problem could be if someone really wants to open ~/ twice. But,
> really, how could this be useful ?

You're right. There was actually some discussion on this topic in a
recent arstechnica article about the Macintosh Finder. The complaint was
that the finder (and I suppose nautilus for that matter) should treat
folders more like real life objects. The reasoning was that it helped
develop muscle memory or something like that. I think this topic may
have been mentioned on the usability list too.

Wesley Leggette <wleggette gate net>

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